People are becoming money-rich but relationship-poor, health-poor, and peace-poor. Being rich is about becoming prosperous in health, wealth, relationship, fame, and wisdom. Let me walk you through a simple step-by-step process to attract prosperity and grow rich using your Kundalini energy. Step 1. Sit in silence Find a time and a quiet place to sit down in silence. Keep aside your phone, book, computer and anything else that will distract you. It's not easy to think when we're … [Read more...] about How to Grow Rich using Kundalini Powers – A step-by-step guide
How to handle stress and work pressure using kundalini meditation techniques?
Do you find yourself stressed out at work? Are you constantly worried about deadlines? Does working long hours make you feel guilty? Work pressure stresses us out. It makes us anxious. It makes us angry. It makes us tired. It causes us to question whether we're really living. It leaves us feeling trapped. All too often, we get caught between the demands of work and the demands of home. Between the pressures of deadlines and the expectations of family members. Between the needs of … [Read more...] about How to handle stress and work pressure using kundalini meditation techniques?
A Step-by-step guide to forming a life-long meditation habit
Step 1: What is your ideal version of 'You'? Write it down. I realize heaven inside me. I realize God in me. I help others realize heaven inside them. Step 2: List down your habits to achieve your ideal version of you I meditate. I exercise. I do the relaxation exercise. I do kayakalpa yoga. I introspect in silence. Step 3: Fix a frequency for your habits I meditate daily. I exercise daily. I do kayakalpa yoga daily. I do relaxation exercise … [Read more...] about A Step-by-step guide to forming a life-long meditation habit
10 Awe-Inspiring Positive Emotions of Alpha Brain Waves
We've all heard of alpha brain waves. They're the most favourable states of mind possible - the opposite of beta brain waves. But how do we get these great states of mind? And why should anyone care? In this article, I will share the science behind alpha brain waves and explain how you can harness them to create awe-inspiring positive emotions. This will help you become happier, healthier, and more productive. What are Alpha Brain Waves? As measured in an EEG, Alpha brain waves function … [Read more...] about 10 Awe-Inspiring Positive Emotions of Alpha Brain Waves
5 Profound Life-Changing Stages of Spiritual Awakening
Five stages of spiritual awakening are: Our Guru Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi has written a beautiful book on this topic. I will tell you what I learnt from his teachings in a nutshell. 1. Physical Health The first stage of spiritual awakening is taking care of your body. Your body is your temple. As soon as you realize that your body is your most sacred asset, you can start caring for it. You need to understand that your body is an instrument. An instrument that … [Read more...] about 5 Profound Life-Changing Stages of Spiritual Awakening
How to Master Root Chakra Meditation – 14 Easy Tips I Follow
Inner peace begins here. The root chakra is located deep in your body. It is the centre of your emotional self. It connects you to your soul. It allows you to connect with others on an emotional level. Here are 14 easy tips I follow to master Muladhara chakra meditation. I hope these tips help you master Muladhara Chakra meditation. Muladhara Chakra maintains inner peace Without inner peace, you can’t fully participate in life. You can’t fully enjoy life. You can‘t fully serve … [Read more...] about How to Master Root Chakra Meditation – 14 Easy Tips I Follow
How to Escape Porn Addiction By Transmuting Sexual Energy?
Pornography addiction is an epidemic. And it's destroying millions of lives. Not because pornography is inherently evil. Not because sex has become taboo. But because it's become too cheap. Too easy. Too available. Too accessible. People have lost sight of what sex is supposed to be and what it's meant to do. They forget that porn is an expression of sexual desire. Sex is an act of intimacy. An attempt to connect with someone else through physical stimulation. They forget … [Read more...] about How to Escape Porn Addiction By Transmuting Sexual Energy?