Inner peace begins here.
The root chakra is located deep in your body. It is the centre of your emotional self. It connects you to your soul. It allows you to connect with others on an emotional level.
Here are 14 easy tips I follow to master Muladhara chakra meditation.
- Learn and practice Shanthi meditation
- Dedicate Fridays to practising Shanthi meditation
- Do it for 15-20 minutes twice a day on Fridays
- Do Ashwini Mudra 10 times before starting
- Meditate in the Muladhara chakra for 5-10 minutes before going to bed to sleep better
- Meditate after each meal for a few minutes at the root chakra to digest better
- Do it whenever you fall sick.
- Join a group meditation in a SKY Yoga centre near you
- Practice Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama and Thanduvada Shuddhi Pranayama (breathing exercises) before starting the meditation
- Do neuromuscular breathing daily
- Deep relaxation helps you go deeper in meditation
- Meditate as early as possible in the morning
- Meditate in a safe place inside your house over a mat
- Meditate at the exact location at the same time to train your brain to work in an automatic habitual mode
I hope these tips help you master Muladhara Chakra meditation.

Muladhara Chakra maintains inner peace
Without inner peace, you can’t fully participate in life. You can’t fully enjoy life. You can‘t fully serve others. And without helping others, you can’t truly grow.
Simplified Kundalini Meditation helps you access the root chakra. It creates space between your thoughts and your emotions. It allows you to separate your mind from your body. It calms your nervous system. It gives you perspective on your life.
By connecting with your emotional self through meditation, you gain insight into your feelings, which leads to greater compassion and understanding. By connecting with your physical self through meditation, you develop awareness, which makes you more aware of the moment and less reactive.
Through meditation, you can cultivate a sense of calmness and focus. You can clear away negative emotions and replace them with positive ones through meditation. Through meditation, you release stress and anxiety. Through meditation, you open your heart.
Through kundalini yoga, your life becomes more prosperous. Your life becomes deeper. Your life becomes fuller.
Benefits of Root Chakra (Mooladhara) Meditation
- Keeps you grounded.
- Brings stability to your life.
- Provides balance.
- Helps you overcome fear.
- Increases biomagnetic energy.
- Heals your body.
- Strengthens your body.
- Transforms spiritual energy into battery capacity.
- Relaxes you.
- Helps you to sleep better.
- Aids in digestion.
- Cools your body temperature.
I am here to help you succeed. My life’s goal is to help you realize heaven inside you.
If there is anything I can do for you, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
I Love you.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
PS: Check out when not to do root chakra meditation
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