Why You Will Fail If You Try To Control Your Anger? Anger is an emotion. It is not something you can control. It happens when you feel hurt or threatened. When you are angry, you cannot think clearly. You may say things you will regret later. And if you act on your anger, you could make yourself sick or kill someone. Everyone has anger issues. I had anger problems. I am sure you or someone close to you suffer from it. Some people just deal with it better than others. But most people … [Read more...] about One Simple Reason Why You Cannot Control Anger
Stress Chemical Cortisol – What It Means And How Meditation Helps To Control It
You may have heard about the "stress chemical" known as cortisol. It's often considered a bad thing because it is one of the main chemicals triggered by experiencing stress, but this hormone has many other roles and does much more than just start a person's "fight or flight" instincts. What Is Cortisol? Cortisol is produced in your adrenal glands, on top of each kidney. The adrenals produce hormones that help you deal with stressful situations. When you're stressed out, your body releases … [Read more...] about Stress Chemical Cortisol – What It Means And How Meditation Helps To Control It
5 Atomic Habits To Make Your Life More Productive
Do you struggle to find the motivation to accomplish tasks each day? If so, you may benefit from incorporating these five atomic habits into your life. Atomic habits are those habits that are difficult to change once established. They are habits so ingrained in our daily lives that we don't realize how much effort goes into maintaining them. Implementing these habits into my life made me more productive and achieve tremendous success. They will help you succeed, too. #1. Wake Up … [Read more...] about 5 Atomic Habits To Make Your Life More Productive
What are Kundalini Symptoms?
Accidental Kundalini Awakening could cause: HeadachesDizzinessNauseaInsomniaAnxietyParanoiaHallucinationsMemory LapsesConfusionEmotional outburstsSensory overload The symptoms of Kundalini Awakening in SKY Yoga System are: Gentle pulsationCalm and peacefulFeeble vibrations at the beginningSlowly intensifying energyControlled awakeningShanthi meditation maintains energy equilibriumNo sound or light or smell or tasteA beautiful pressure sensationIt feels light on your headConnects … [Read more...] about What are Kundalini Symptoms?
When Kundalini Reaches Sahasrara, What Happens?
At Sahasrara, the energy becomes stable at the Alpha level between 7 and 13 cps. You feel: calm & peacefulenergized & lightjoyous & happystrong & powerfulbalanced & stablesecure & confidentsatisfied & freeclear & focusedaware & consciousintelligent & wiseenlightened & awakenedliberated & releasedunbound & self-realized Self-realization is the realization of one's true nature. Once we realize our true identity, we become free from … [Read more...] about When Kundalini Reaches Sahasrara, What Happens?
Is Kundalini Painful?
Not at all. Kundalini force is a beautiful, gentle, and peaceful sensation when you follow SKY practices. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Is Kundalini Painful?
How Kundalini Yoga Changed My Life?
I started doing Kundalini yoga when I was in college in 1984.I was a student and had trouble concentrating on my studies and passing exams.After just a few months of regular Kundalini Yoga practice,I noticed a dramatic improvement in my overall health and concentration powers.My body felt lighter and more energized than ever before.I felt happier and more optimistic.I became calmer and more focused.I experienced less stress and anxiety.I slept peacefully.I gained confidence and self-esteem.I … [Read more...] about How Kundalini Yoga Changed My Life?