Why You Will Fail If You Try To Control Your Anger?
Anger is an emotion. It is not something you can control. It happens when you feel hurt or threatened. When you are angry, you cannot think clearly. You may say things you will regret later. And if you act on your anger, you could make yourself sick or kill someone.
Everyone has anger issues. I had anger problems. I am sure you or someone close to you suffer from it. Some people just deal with it better than others. But most people struggle with controlling their temper. I had severe trouble with it. And when I got angry, I usually made terrible decisions.
You have heard stories of someone losing everything because he/she got mad.
This article will explain why you shouldn’t try to control your anger and how you can learn to channel your emotions instead.

Anger is an emotion that has many faces. It can manifest in physical violence, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, passive aggression, emotional neglect and countless other ways.
I talk about anger as a negative emotion. And I say that most of the time, it’s not helpful. Most of the time, it hurts both parties involved. Most of the time, it doesn’t solve problems but creates unnecessary ones.
Most of the time, it leads to poor decisions. Most of the time. Not all of the time.
But here’s the thing: If you don’t deal with your anger, it will eventually destroy you.
Your anger will hurt others. Your anger will hurt you. And it will damage your relationships.
Why Can’t You Control Anger?
Anger is a natural response to frustration. Frustration happens when something doesn’t go the way you expected. It happens when you’re disappointed.
Frustration often leads to anger. And anger usually leads to impulsive behaviour.
But here’s the thing:
Impulsivity is an emotion. Emotions are not rational. Impulsiveness does not lead to wisdom. So, while anger can seem like a logical reaction to specific situations, it’s illogical.
Anger is an emotion we all share. Anger is a feeling that everyone experiences. And anger is something we all manage.

But, Why Do You Get Angry So Easily?
Why does it seem like we can barely contain our rage?
Why do we lash out at others without thinking twice? Why can’t we sit quietly and wait until we cool off before responding?
When we get angry, we usually react to something that happened earlier. Something that upset us deeply. Something that hurt us. Something unfair.
Whatever it is, we’re angry because we are disappointed.
Expectations lead to disappointments.
Without expectations, you will never get angry.
When desires are thwarted, the energy that rises over the obstacles to fulfil our desires evolves as anger.
But anger is also powerful. It gives us the drive to act. It pushes us to break through barriers.
Anger is dangerous. It causes pain. It creates conflict. It makes us miserable. It makes us selfish.
Here’s the problem.
Most of us react to anger poorly. We do stupid things. We act rashly. We hurt others unnecessarily. We waste valuable time, money and energy.
So we have three options:
1) React to anger by lashing out. By hurting ourselves and others. By wasting time and energy.
2) React to anger by resisting. By denying its existence. By refusing to acknowledge our frustrations. You bury it for the moment. In time, it slowly burns inside and becomes vengeance.
3) By understanding the causes of anger. By accepting responsibility for our actions. You can prevent anger by neutralizing it. Here’s how I stopped my rage. Meditate and go to the Alpha level of mental frequency when you are calm and peaceful. Visualize the person and the reason for anger. Think about the ill effects of anger. Find the root cause of your anger. Find a suitable method to fulfil the underlying expectations. Superimpose and altogether avoid anger. If you become a victim of vile emotion, take a break. Visit your garden for therapy. We need plants to heal ourselves. Nature and time are great healers.
Don’t assume that you cannot change. Meditation can change your brain.
Which option do you prefer? Which one works best for you?
Please share your thoughts.
If you think you can control anger, think again.
There is a simple reason you cannot control anger.
Anger is an emotion. It is not something you can control.
Thank you for being there.
You are a great source of inspiration for me.
I Love You.
My life’s purpose is to help you realize the heaven inside you.
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I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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