Yes, you can learn Kundalini yoga from books and videos. But if you want to get the full benefits of this powerful system and avoid dangerous side effects, then you need a qualified instructor who has undergone rigorous training. SKY masters are well trained and certified by a dedicated Directorate in the system. They have been practitioners of Kundalini Yoga for many years. Learn it safely from a SKY master near you. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Can You Learn Kundalini Yoga Without a Teacher?
Is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous?
No. Simplified Kundalini yoga is entirely safe. Shanthi Meditation makes Kundalini Yoga safe and simple to learn and practice. Your Kundalini Shakthi comes under your control. They are designed to bring about a positive change in your health and well-being. With SKY Yoga practices, you will remain healthy and achieve the purpose of life of Salvation and Self-Realization. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous?
What Kundalini Feels Like?
When Kundalini awakens, it feels like a wave of bliss that sweeps through your entire being. It feels like a warm current flowing up your spine. It feels like a gentle breeze blowing on your forehead. It feels like an ant crawling gently over your skin. You will feel a gentle pulsation of your life force between your eyebrows at the Ajna chakra. The intensity will increase as you practice regularly. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about What Kundalini Feels Like?
How Long Does it Take to Succeed To Form a Meditation Habit?
Forming a meditation habit takes anywhere from two weeks to six months. For some, it could take years. I recommend starting slowly and working up to 20 minutes per session daily. Once you've reached that goal, you can add another session daily. If you're having trouble getting started, try setting aside 15 minutes at the beginning of your day to sit quietly and meditate. My first meditation is usually as soon as I wake up. I sit on my bed and meditate for 10 to 15 minutes, bless … [Read more...] about How Long Does it Take to Succeed To Form a Meditation Habit?
Is Meditation An Answer?
Most of us would agree that meditation has benefits. And yet, most of us also admit that we rarely practice it. Why is that? For many of us, meditation requires discipline. We have to sit down and shut off the distractions. We have to focus on our life force. We have to clear our minds and quiet our thoughts. We have to ignore the noise and tune out the chatter. And we hate it! As soon as we sit down and close our eyes to meditate, we start thinking about work, family, friends, or … [Read more...] about Is Meditation An Answer?
Why Kundalini Yogis Wear White?
White represents purity and lightness. White also symbolizes the source of all life. When Kundalini awakens, it brings about a new dawning of consciousness. Hence, most Kundalini yogis like to wear white. It is not necessary to wear white. It is essential to practice Kundalini Yoga regularly. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Why Kundalini Yogis Wear White?
Dhana Akarshana Mantra by Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi
Chant this Sankalpa 108 times on full moon Pournami days and 9 times on all other days during Guru Hora or Sukhra Hora to attract prosperity. Light an oil lamp. Keep 108 coins / 9 coins as needed as count. Keep some white flowers. Keep a flower and a coin in your hand for each mantra chanting. Put them down after chanting each mantra. Dhanakrshna SankalpaHari Om, Sree Om, Aiyum, Kliyum, Chavvum Chandra Lakshmiye Namaha! Krum Kreem Swarna Lakshmiye Namaha! Vang Sung Dung … [Read more...] about Dhana Akarshana Mantra by Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi