I stopped smoking. I learnt Kundalini Meditation. Here is what I did to stop smoking. I learnt Thuriyam – Sahasrara meditation to meditate at my crown chakra.I learnt the Introspection exercises from our Guru Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi. Specifically, I learnt about how to change habits. It was a habit, an unwanted habit. A friend of mine inaugurated it for me. But I started to develop this habit with regular use of smoking.I sat down in silence which is the third step to … [Read more...] about How I Stopped Smoking Using Kundalini Awakening?
How Kundalini Awakening Improved My Concentration Powers and Help me Pass My Exams in 1984
On August 30, 1984, I went to a SKY Yoga Center in Coimbatore. The SKY Yoga master awakened my Kundalini. It was a historic moment in my life. It changed everything about my life for me. I had arrears. I had been failing exams from the 1st semester to the 4th semester, and I had difficulty concentrating on my exams. But after my Kundalini awakened, I cleared all my arrears and even got a distinction in one of the subjects in my 5th semester. Ever since, my life has been on an upswing. If … [Read more...] about How Kundalini Awakening Improved My Concentration Powers and Help me Pass My Exams in 1984
If you wish to become a Kundalini Yoga Master, come to the Aliyar Temple of Consciousness
In 1987 on December 24, I came to Aliyar Temple of Consciousness for the first time to attend the teacher’s course in Kundalini yoga by our Guru Shri Vethathiri Maharishi. After attending that Master’s Course, I realised I could awaken the Kundalini for the students and aspirants. Since then, I have considered my most significant duty to awaken the Kundalini of aspirants. As a result, I derive the greatest happiness of all my responsibilities in my life. You, too, can become a Kundalini … [Read more...] about If you wish to become a Kundalini Yoga Master, come to the Aliyar Temple of Consciousness
Where Does Kundalini Energy Come From?
You are born with it. You inherited your life force from your father and mother. Your guru adds his life energy to you when he initiates you. You accumulate life energy particles from the cosmic energy field as you meditate. Your life-force is your Kundalini energy. It stays with you till your last breath. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Where Does Kundalini Energy Come From?
How much time does it take to awaken Kundalini?
Traditional methods would take 10-40 years for you to awaken your Kundalini. However, the Vethathiri SKY system would take a few seconds to a few minutes for you to awaken your Kundalini. You can awaken it safely and in a simplified manner with the touch of the divine SKY master. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about How much time does it take to awaken Kundalini?
Where Did Kundalini Yoga Originate?
Kundalini yoga most certainly originated in India. There are references to the system in specific ancient Indian texts. It is mentioned that Kundalini Yoga is part of the Raja Yoga system. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Where Did Kundalini Yoga Originate?
Punching Pillows Isn’t a Good Strategy to Control Anger
In 2002, I worked with a behavioural psychologist. We were conducting HR training programs for corporates in Bangalore. She used to suggest various behavioural therapy techniques for controlling anger. Punching pillowsTearing newspapersDrawing vigorously until the paper tearsThrowing things at wallsBreaking paper cupsScreaming out loud in a closed roomLet out your frustration at a photograph of a person you are angry with I was sceptical about this technique and asked her why she … [Read more...] about Punching Pillows Isn’t a Good Strategy to Control Anger