Setting goals is a crucial part of achieving success in my life. Whether I am setting short-term or long-term goals, I cannot underestimate the importance of goal setting. To set goals effectively, I first know why I want to achieve them. For example, why do I want to start a business? What motivates me to learn a new skill? Why do I want to improve my health? Once I've answered these questions, I can begin to develop specific action steps toward reaching my goals. Here are seven … [Read more...] about 7 Reasons Setting Goals is Important
Archives for September 2022
Can We Eat Fruits At Night?
It is safe for you to go to bed on an empty stomach. However, if you must snack at night, fruits are safe. Wait for 45 minutes before going to bed after eating fruits. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Can We Eat Fruits At Night?
Why Accidental Kundalini Awakening is Dangerous?
Accidental Kundalini Awakening or Unsupervised Kundalini Awakening is dangerous because the life energy keeps increasing uncontrollably. You cannot withstand this energy in your body without practicing Shanthi meditation. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Why Accidental Kundalini Awakening is Dangerous?
Eat Fruits Before Meals – But Why Not After Meals?
Eat Fruits Before Meals to digest them fast and absorb nutrition slowly to reduce oxidative stress. But, you can eat fruits after meals also as it is highly beneficial. Bottom line: Eat a lot of fruits. Be Blessed by the Divine!Krish Murali Eswar. … [Read more...] about Eat Fruits Before Meals – But Why Not After Meals?
Where is Kundalini Located in the Body?
Kundalini, our life force, has its magnetic vortex in the three-dimensional center of our body around the tailbone of the human vertebra. … [Read more...] about Where is Kundalini Located in the Body?
What is Kundalini Shakthi
Kundalini = Kunda + Ali + Ini. Kunda+Ali+Ini+Shakti = Kundalini Energy. The life energy (Ini) common for both men and women (Ali) that burns within the fire vessel (Kunda) is Kundalini Shakti. … [Read more...] about What is Kundalini Shakthi
4 Powerful Techniques of Astral Projection That I Practice
What is Astral Projection? I know of two types of astral projection: voluntary and involuntary. I know of four voluntary techniques of astral projection. I will tell you more about it. Astral Body There are three layers of the human body: Physical, Astral, and Causal. The astral body is made up of energy that surrounds the physical body. The astral body looks like an invisible transparent cocoon around our physical bodies. The Causal body is the biomagnetic body. You cannot … [Read more...] about 4 Powerful Techniques of Astral Projection That I Practice