Ajna means order, command, and perceive. It is located between the eyes on your forehead.
Ajna chakra connects to the Pituitary glands.
The pituitary gland orders all other endocrine glands except the Pineal.
Ajna meditation adds the following meaning to your life:
- you develop command over your sensory perceptions
- you start to perceive your inner and outer worlds together
- you transcend to a unified non-dualistic thinking
- your consciousness identifies itself with your life force
- your emotions come under your control
- both hemispheres of your brain and the prefrontal cortex get energised
- you begin your inner journey towards self-realisation
Learn to activate your Ajna chakra safely and systematically with Vethathiri SKY Yoga.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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