Are you living the life you were meant to live? Do you feel like you’ve wasted your life? Or maybe you just aren’t sure where you fit in with all these other people who seem to be having such great lives?
There are many paths to success in life, but only one path will get you there. In this article, I’ll share my personal story of how I went from being broke and depressed to becoming successful. It took me years to figure out what was really important in life, and I’m going to tell you exactly what I did to make it happen.
I hope you find this article useful because I believe everyone has something valuable to contribute to society. We just need to learn how to do it.
How do I define success?
Success means different things for everyone. Some people think about money, others think about fame, and still others think about happiness. The key is to find what makes you feel successful. If you want to be famous, then become a celebrity. If you want to earn lots of money, then start your own business. And if you just want to be happy, then follow your passion.
My definition of success involves the following and therefore form my personal vision.
Health First | I do my daily exercises, kayakalpa yoga, meditation, and regular introspection and remain disease-free & physically and mentally fit. |
Long Life | I maintain moderation and discipline in food, work, rest, use of thought force, and sex. |
Financial freedom | I am financially free with my service to humanity through my authentic knowledge, skills and experience. |
Earn Blessings | I receive the blessings of people for my innovative authentic work. My name and work remain a legacy for my children and my fellow spiritual practitioners. I remain a role model for others to follow. |
Heaven Inside | I realize “Heaven Inside” and spread the bliss to the world. I am an effective and creative master in my area of specialization. |
Symphony | I maintain harmony with my parents, guru, wife, children, family, friends, fellow spiritual partners and society. I help my children be successful in their life. I respect women and fellow humans and laws of the country. |
World Peace | I dedicate my service selflessly to spread my guru’s wisdom through modern technologies. |
Non-Hurting | I do not hurt anyone in body, mind or soul. I help those who are hurt. |
Peace personified | There is peace within me and around me. May there be peace in this world. |
How do you define success? Comment below and let me understand your definition of success.
My 2-Step Mantra for Success
Secret to my success is two things:
1) Recall my vision and program my day towards achieving it in the morning.
2) Introspect by end of the day before going to bed on how I am progressing towards my vision.
Importance of Success
Most people obsess about how to be successful because it makes them feel important. They think that if they are successful, they will be happy and everything else will fall into place. But without achieving any success, they might look back on their lives feeling disappointed by their lack of impact on the rest of the world.
Striving to achieve a greater cause is what keeps us fighting against adversity and growing. If you don’t strive to succeed, you won’t have anything to fight for. You’ll just exist. And while you might not become an internationally recognized success story, your life can still make a difference in someone else’s life. Your life can have an impact on others, even though you might never know it.
The goal of achieving success will push you to overcome obstacles, put in extra effort and pursue happiness. When you’re striving to achieve something bigger than yourself, you’ll start thinking about things differently. You’ll start working a little harder and pursuing happiness. This will give your life meaning and purpose.
My tips for how to become successful
1. Be committed
Through commitment, you can gain momentum and motivation to pursue success. When you set goals, write down your plans and stick to them, you’ll feel motivated to succeed because you know exactly where you’re headed. And once you’ve achieved those goals, you’ll want to set even bigger ones. But how do you actually commit to something like that? Here’s how…
2. Make a List
You don’t have to go crazy here; just make sure you include your goal, your level off commitment to the goal and whatever else you’re willing to do to achieve it. For example, if you want to lose weight, you might include things like “I’m going to eat less sugar,” “I’m going to exercise every day,” and “I’m going to start follow whole food plant-based diet.” Whatever you decide, make sure you include everything you’re willing to do.
3. Set Realistic Expectations
If you look at your list and determine that there’s no way you can accomplish all of your commitments, don’t give up! Instead, try setting smaller goals along the way. Maybe you can achieve one thing each month, or maybe you can break your goal into weekly chunks. Either way, you’ll still be making progress towards your overall goal.
4. Put Aside Time Every Day & Form Daily Habits
Once you’ve determined your list of commitments, pick a time of day to dedicate to thinking about your plan. Whether it’s 30 minutes during lunch or 45 minutes before bed, find some quiet time to focus on your goal. During this time, you should review your list and think about what you’re willing to do and why you’re doing it. If you’re struggling with staying focused, use the following technique to help you stay on track.
If you want to change something about yourself, start with your schedule. If you’re having trouble sticking to a regular sleep cycle, try setting alarms early enough to wake up without caffeine and avoid eating too close to bedtime. You’ll feel better rested and ready to tackle whatever else needs attention.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that people who maintained consistent schedules slept longer and felt less tired during the day. If you struggle to fall asleep, consider trying relaxing activities like reading, listening to music, or taking a warm bath.
Build a list of daily habits that will take you towards your goal. It could be as simple as drinking more water throughout the day, getting 10 minutes of sunlight, or meditating for five minutes. Whatever works best for you, just make sure you form these habits consistently.
5. Visualize Your Goal
Visualization is an effective tool when it comes to creating change in our lives. By imagining yourself as already having accomplished your goal, you’ll increase your chances of actually accomplishing it. So take out a piece of paper and draw a picture of yourself as being successful. Include details such as your clothes, your house, your car, etc. You may also want to add a photo of someone who inspires you. This person could be anyone from a friend to a movie character. Just remember to keep it simple so that you can easily visualize your goal.
6. Learn from the Journey
In his book “The Power of Habit,” Charles Duhigg writes about how habits are formed and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage. He describes habit formation as being like climbing a mountain where you must focus on one step at a time. At times, it seems impossible to reach the summit, but once you do, you feel exhilarated because you have conquered something difficult.
If you look at people who have achieved great feats, such as Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Gates, you will find that they did not make it to the top overnight. They had to work hard every single day. Their lives were filled with small successes. These small wins helped them build momentum and eventually allowed them to reach the top.
Rather than focusing solely on the results of your achievements, take note of the small steps needed, and the small victories you experience along the way. You will learn new and exciting information and develop skills that can help you grow as you continue down your path. As you keep working toward your goals, you will start to realize that there is no finish line; you just keep moving forward.
7. Have fun along the way
If we want to accomplish anything worthwhile, we must enjoy the process. We must find joy in our work. This doesn’t mean that we don’t take ourselves seriously; it just means that we understand that there is no reason to do something unless you truly love doing it. And if you’re having fun while working toward your goal, then you’ll probably reach it faster than someone who isn’t enjoying themselves.
8. Think positively
Developing a positive mindset is about trusting yourself and your abilities to succeed. You must believe in yourself and your capabilities. If you don’t trust yourself, how can you ever trust others? If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else? Positive thinking is a key ingredient to success. It helps you overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
Think about when babies are learning how to walk. When they stumble, they pick themselves up and try again. They never give up because they know they can do it. And they eventually master walking.
In your path to becoming successful over the next few months, you’re likely to learn new things. You might even think differently than you did before. This is normal. Your mind is changing. Don’t worry about it; just accept it and continue moving forward. Keep your eyes open and your head up.
If you want to develop a positive mindset, start by replacing any negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Instead of “I’m stupid,” say, “I am smart.” Instead of “I’ll never make it,” say, “I will succeed.”
Sahasrara meditation helps to remain the brain frequency at the Alpha level between 8 and 13 cps. It is easy to superimpose positive thoughts in place of negative ones at Alpha frequency.
9. Reinforce Your Positive Perspective
Sometimes along the journey, we find ourselves stuck in a rut. We feel like we want something different, but we don’t know what to do next. This happens because we’re looking at things from our old way of thinking. If we look at our situation from a new angle, we might notice some things that we didn’t even realize existed before.
The key is to shift our focus away from our problems and toward our strengths. Instead of focusing on what we don’t want, try asking questions like “What am I grateful for?” “How did I accomplish something great today?” “Who helped me succeed?” “What can I learn from this experience?” etc.
You’ll start to see that there’s always a silver lining somewhere, and that everything happens for a reason. You just have to take the time to figure out why.
10. Be honest with yourself
If you are stuck in a rut, it could be because you haven’t been being honest with yourself. You’ve probably tried everything possible to reach your goals, but nothing seems to work. Maybe you’re just not trying hard enough. Or maybe you’re doing something wrong. Whatever the reason, you need to start being honest with yourself.
After you have come to an agreement, try to find a way to push yourself toward success, whether that involves taking a risk or stepping outside of your comfort zone. Don’t give up; there’s always another option.
11. Take away distractions
The world we live in today is full of digital devices that are constantly demanding our attention. In fact, research suggests that we spend about one hour every day checking email, browsing social media sites, watching TV or playing video games. If you want to achieve something, you need to find ways to cut down on those distractions.
You don’t have to give everything up completely; just try to limit yourself to doing three things for each distraction. For example, if you’re addicted to Facebook, you might decide to check it once per week rather than daily. Or maybe you’ll turn off your phone during dinner, or only use it while driving. Whatever works for you.
12. Count on yourself
You might think that someone else will come along and make everything better, but that person isn’t you. You have to step up and do something about it. If you feel like giving up, ask yourself why you’re giving up. Is it because you’ve been waiting for someone else to change things? Or maybe you don’t even know where to start. In either case, you need to stop waiting and do something on your own.
13. Know your strengths and weaknesses
If you’re struggling to find motivation to work out, it could be because you’re focusing too much on your weaknesses. Instead of looking at your faults, try thinking about your strengths. What are you good at? How does that translate into success? Use those attributes to motivate you to keep working toward your goal.
14. Be grateful for what you already have
When you focus on what you lack, you’ll never appreciate what you have. When you look around you, acknowledge all the things you love about life. Being thankful for what you have helps you see opportunities in every situation. Maintain a diary of all the things you’re grateful for. It’s amazing how quickly you’ll forget about your troubles when you start appreciating all the positive aspects of your life.
15. Avoid getting burned out
If you work hard enough, you can accomplish anything. But what happens when you start putting too much pressure on yourself to reach your goals? You might find yourself burning out. Burning out occurs when you feel overwhelmed by your desire to reach your goal. If you let yourself become obsessed with reaching your goal, you could end up feeling frustrated and resentful toward your goal. This can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety and depression.
16. Do Not Be Afraid of Failure
Thomas Edison failed over and over again before inventing the light bulb. In fact, there are many people who believe that he invented the light bulb twice. But it wasn’t because he tried too hard. Rather, he had no idea where to start. So he spent countless hours trying different things without success.
But each failure taught him something about his invention. And eventually, he figured out how to make the light bulb work.
In our lives, we often think of failing as being associated with negative outcomes such as getting fired or losing money. However, research suggests that failure is actually linked to positive outcomes like learning and growth.
So don’t let fear stop you from taking action toward achieving your goals. Instead, embrace failures as stepping stones along your way.
17. Cultivate Positive Relationships
The best leaders are often great people. They are humble and generous. They want others to do well. They are friendly and welcoming. They seek out friendships and are willing to help others. They make sure everyone feels appreciated. These traits are what we call “positive relationships.”
Positive relationships don’t just happen. Leaders must cultivate them. Write down who you wish to develop positive relationships with and how you wish to contribute to their success in life. It could be your spouse, son, daughter or a student. Ask yourself how your name will be an asset in their lives. You will get super charged to remain positive throughout the day.
18. Be Willing to Work Hard
The late CEO of Ford Motor Company once told the story about how he met with his sales team. He asked them what they thought about the car industry. They responded with their opinions and ideas. Finally, one man stood up and said, “I think we’re doomed.” Everyone laughed because that was exactly what they had been thinking. But the next day, each member of the team came to him individually and apologized for having shared such negative thoughts. Each person wanted to know why he or she had spoken negatively. In response, Mr. Iacocca simply stated, “If no one ever shares those kinds of thoughts, we’d never find out whether or not we could do something great.”
Mr. Iacocca understood that hard work beats talent every single time. And he knew that if people are willing to put in the effort, they can achieve anything.
My Relationships That Will Make Me Successful
If you want to succeed, you need the people around you to help make it happen.
husband | loyal friend, loving and supportive partner |
son | dutiful, tolerant son |
son-in-law | tolerant, dutiful son |
father | fun, bankable, dependable, spiritual |
brother | loving |
spiritual partner | inspirational |
disciple | faithful and steadfast |
professor | innovative teacher, inspiration |
it director | innovative, effective, revenue generating |
father in law | more than a father in law, be a dad |
cousin | prayerful |
uncle | loving, affectionate |
grand father | hero |
guru | personal example to emulate, inspirational, practice what I preach |
friend | friend in need |
brother-in-law | more than a brother in law, be a brother |
business associate | dependable, helps to succeed |
service provider | high availability, excellent service |
nephew | prayerful |
philosopher | wise |
blogger | inspirational and thought leader |
youtuber | inspirational and thought leader |
social media expert | low or no cost/revenue focused expert |
digital marketer | diy |
website developer | high performance |
digital technology advisor | open source + effective tool based |
marketing advisor | diy |
marketer | content marketing, high value |
colleague | amicable, available |
trustee | evangelist |
bread winner of the family | provider of financial freedom |
driver | safe and peaceful |
citizen | law abiding |
My Daily Habits
- Simplified Physical Exercises for 60 minutes
- Simplified Kundalini Yoga Meditation twice a day
- Listen to Personal Vision
- Introspect in Silence on daily performance
- Brisk Early Morning Walk for 30 Minutes
- Affirmation to Achieve Financial Freedom
- Kayakalpa Yoga twice a day
- Whole Food Plant-Based Diet for lunch and dinner (no breakfast)
- Intermediate fasting (7-8 hours during the day, 16-17 hours during the night)
- Herbal Tea 2-4 times a day as needed (with fruits or dates or oil-free snacks or sugar-free sweets)
- Drink water about 3 liters a day as needed
- Enema once before lunch
- Cold water bath before lunch
- Water Fasting as needed (longest so far is for 17 days with only lemon + date juice two to four times a day to heal myself of oppressive cough and cold in 2018)
- Fruit fasting as needed
- Help the family at home without ego
- Positively add value to the life of family members to help them succeed
- Do at least one thing that will inspire others
- Teach or share authentic thoughts in an inspiring way
- Serve my Guru with at least one innovative idea
What daily habits would you add to this list? Share your thoughts below.
How do you measure success?
My success can be measured in two words – “Heaven Inside”. My personal vision is a detailed account of this.
Success looks different for everyone. Some people focus on income, while others focus on happiness, while still others focus on how influential they are in society. These three things are often interrelated; however, it’s important to understand what each one represents.
When we think about success, we tend to think about our financial situation. We want to make sure we’re earning enough money to pay off our debts, provide for ourselves and our families, and live comfortably. But there’s another aspect of success that many people overlook. Happiness.
Happiness is something we seek out because it makes us feel good. If we don’t feel happy, we start to worry, stress, and even become depressed. This isn’t healthy. When we’re feeling unhappy, we start thinking negatively about ourselves, our jobs, our relationships, etc. And unfortunately, this negative energy doesn’t just go away.
There’s no doubt that making money helps improve our lives. However, we shouldn’t forget about the importance of being happy. By focusing on both aspects of success — earning money and living a happy life — we can achieve true fulfillment.
Final Thoughts
In my opinion, there are three things that are required to succeed in life:
- A positive attitude
- A clear vision
- And most importantly, a strong desire to succeed
If you don’t have one of the above, you’re probably still stuck somewhere along the way. I’m sure you know someone like that. Maybe you even belong to that group yourself. But it doesn’t have to be like that. If you want something different, you can change it.
You see, we all start out with the same tools. We just choose how we use them.
I hope you find some value here today. Thank you very much for reading. Have a great day!
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.

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