May the almighty force purify the atmosphere around us.
May the almighty force descend upon our body and soul and purify the same.
May the almighty force protect, guide, lead, and support us day and night, at all times, in all places, and in all our duties.
Salutations to mother
Salutations to father
Salutations to Guru
Ajna Meditation
May the Maha Kundalini Shakthi awaken and reside at Ajna chakra
Focus the attention on the life force pulsation in between the eyebrows for two minutes
Thureeyam meditation
May the Maha Kundalini Shakthi rise and reside at Sahasrara Chakra.
Focus the attention on the life force pulsation at the crown chakra for two minutes
Conclude the meditation
Spread the meditated energy throughout the body and soul
May it purify every cell in the body
May it purify our soul
Keep the mind over the Sahasrara chakra
By the grace of the divine bliss, we shall live in good health, long life, enough wealth, peace, prosperity, fame and wisdom.
Blessings to your life partner
Blessings to children one by one
Blessings to brothers and sisters
Blessings to close relatives.
Blessings to those who help us in our daily duties
Blessings to enemies and miscreants, if any
We shall not hurt anyone in body, mind, or soul
We shall help those who are hurt
Bless Vethathiriyam
Bless the World Community Service Center
Bless the Aliyar temple of consciousness
Bless all meditation centres
May the whole world live in peace, prosperity, and harmony
May there be rainfall in adequate strength so that lakes, ponds, wells, and rivers are filled to the brim, and people live in prosperity through ennoblement of character.
Vazhga Vaiyagam
Vazhga Vaiyagam
Vazhga Valamudan
May there be peace with us
May there be peace around us
May there be peace all over the world
Peace! Peace! Peace!
Rub your palm gently.
Spread the warmth of your palms over your face
Open your eyes and look at your palms and the picture of your guru.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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