7 Basic Meditation Rules for Starting
1. Set a Regular Time
Establishing a regular time for your morning meditation practice is essential for success. Choose a time that works best for you and stick to it, even if it means getting up earlier than usual.
2. Find a Comfortable Place
Find a comfortable place where you can sit without being disturbed or distracted. This could be in your bedroom, living room, or even outside in nature. Make sure the space is quiet and peaceful so that you can focus on your practice.
3. Prepare Your Mind
Before beginning your meditation practice, take some time to prepare your mind by focusing on your breath and letting go of any thoughts or worries that may be distracting you from the present moment.
4. Start with Deep Breathing
Begin your practice with some deep breathing exercises to help relax and center yourself before moving into the meditation. Focus on each breath as it enters and leaves your body, allowing yourself to become more aware of the present moment.
5. Focus on your life force
Once you have settled into your meditation practice, focus on your life force or energy. Visualize it flowing through your body and connecting with the universe’s energy. Feel yourself becoming one with this energy and allow it to fill you with peace and tranquility.
6. Let Go of Expectations
Meditation is not about achieving a specific state or result; it’s about being present at the moment and allowing yourself to be open to whatever arises. Let go of any expectations and allow yourself to be with whatever comes up during your practice.
7. End with Blessings
At the end of each meditation session, it is essential to take a few moments to offer blessings for yourself, your loved ones, and even those who may not be in your life. Begin by offering blessings for yourself. Then, bless your spouse, children, siblings, relatives, friends, colleagues, and even enemies. Visualize sending out positive energy and good wishes to each person or group.
Use the phrase “Vazhga Valamudan” or “Be Blessed by the Divine!” to affirm blessing.
Finally, end your meditation session by blessing the rain and the whole world.
Rules about when to meditate
- Meditate in the morning to start your day with a clear and focused mind.
- Meditate during sunrise and sunset.
- Take a break during the day to meditate for 10-15 minutes to help you stay centered and productive.
- If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a few moments to meditate and recenter yourself before continuing your day.
- Make sure to set aside at least one hour each week for an extended meditation session that allows you to go deeper into your practice.
- When possible, try to meditate at the same time each day so that it becomes part of your daily routine and habit.
- If you’re having trouble sleeping, try meditating right before bedtime at Mooladhara, as this can help relax your body and mind for a better night’s sleep.
Rules about When Not to Meditate
- Do not meditate when you are feeling overly tired.
- Avoid meditating when angry, frustrated, or overwhelmed.
- Do not meditate if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Do not meditate if you have a fever, headache, or other physical ailments that meditation could exacerbate.
- Avoid meditating in a noisy environment with too much distraction and disruption to your practice.
- Do not force yourself to meditate if it does not feel right for you; instead, take some time to relax and return to your practice when you feel ready and comfortable doing so.
- Do not meditate if you fall sick.
- Avoid meditating when you are engaged in other activities.
- Avoid meditating near dead bodies or animals, or sick people.

Rules about Meditation Environment
- Find a quiet, comfortable space to meditate in.
- Make sure the room is well-ventilated and free of distractions.
- Dim the lights or turn them off entirely for a more calming atmosphere.
- Place a floor mat or cushion on the ground during your meditation session.
- Ensure that the room temperature is comfortable for you before beginning your practice.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing that won’t distract you from your meditation session.
- Avoid eating heavy meals before meditating, as this can make it difficult to concentrate and relax in your practice.
- Turn off all electronic devices such as phones, computers, and TVs to avoid distractions during your session.
Rules about Who can Meditate
- Anyone can meditate between 14 and 70 years of age.
- Anyone can meditate regardless of gender or religious beliefs.
- Meditation is open to all and should be practiced with an open mind and heart.
- It is important to remember that meditation is a personal journey, and everyone’s experience will differ.
- Be respectful of others meditating around you, and avoid talking or making noise during the session.
- If you are new to meditation, follow the instructions of a SKY Yoga Master.
- Allow yourself time to adjust to the practice, and don’t be discouraged if you find it difficult at first.
Meditation is a personal journey anyone can practice, regardless of religious beliefs.
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Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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