Learning About Astrology
It was a hard struggle learning about astrology for me. I want to make it easy for you to learn astrology.
What exactly is astrology?
The stars and planets have always inspired a sense of wonder. Many cultures look skyward and see the face of the divine there. There’s a cosmic dance on the grand scale, and one on the intimate scale, going on for each of us. Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships of planets in motion, our birth chart, synastry with others, the make-up of elements and using that knowledge as a tool to find meaning.
Is Astrology a Science?
A major part of Astrology is using the movements (transits) and relationships (aspects) of the planets to forecast what will be happening in our lives. Together with your Astrology birth chart, these astrological events can help us better understand current universal opportunities. Learn more about the planets in Astrology and how they affect YOU!

Astrology Is a pseudoscience. Metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical, is what astrology is about. It is a very old religion that’s been around for thousands of years. Ancient cultures believed that the stars and planets had power over life on Earth. Knowing this, they mapped out the stars in order to make predictions about people’s lives. It was called the “Mother of all Sciences” long before recorded history. At the highest levels of astrology, it is a mastery of its particular science and intuitive arts. It’s similar to other fields that are based on ancient theories of energy patterns, like yoga.
Astrology is an ancient art that extends WAY beyond your personal horoscopes. The movement and positions of celestial bodies can have a profound impact on your love life, work life, and everything in between! Understanding the patterns of the universe gives you the insight you need to navigate life.
Astrology’s premise is that the planetary movements influence the Moments in Time. Since we’re part of the story of the Universe, our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The planets continue to move, engaging with the fixed in time energies of our birth chart.
To study astrology is to undertake a fun and rewarding endeavor.
Who invented astrology?
For nearly 3,000 years, people have used astrology to make sense of the world around them. Astrology was not an invented science. It was a way of organizing knowledge about the natural world, one that was based on observations and interpretations of celestial figures (stars, planets, and the moon). For centuries, astrology was used by many people in Europe and Asia to make sense of the world around them.

The ancient Egyptians were big fans of the stars and so were the Mayans. The ancient Greeks believed that the earth was flat, but it wasn’t until 1537 when a German astronomer named Tycho Brahe agreed with the Mayans that the earth was round. This is when the modern concept of astrology started to take shape.
The oldest is horoskopy (hōrôskoē), which was invented by Babylon as an interpretation method for the stars and planets. Horoskopy was later adopted by Greeks, and geometric astrology began to develop during the Renaissance, partly due to the work of Copernicus and Galileo.
Wikipedia quotes:
“There is scattered evidence to suggest that the oldest known astrological references are copies of texts made during this period, particularly in Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia).
Two, from the Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa (compiled in Babylon round 1700 BC) are reported to have been made during the reign of king Sargon of Akkad (2334-2279 BC). Another, showing an early use of electional astrology, is ascribed to the reign of the Sumerian ruler Gudea of Lagash (c. 2144 – 2124 BC). This describes how the gods revealed to him in a dream the constellations that would be most favourable for the planned construction of a temple.
However, controversy attends the question of whether they were genuinely recorded at the time or merely ascribed to ancient rulers by posterity. The oldest undisputed evidence of the use of astrology as an integrated system of knowledge is therefore attributed to the records that emerge from the first dynasty of Mesopotamia (1950-1651 BC).”
Is Astrology Real at all?
Astrology has been scientifically studied and proven to be a form of prediction and interpretation. It’s proven scientific accuracy isn’t the only thing that makes it fascinating. Astrology is fascinating and can help anyone better understand themselves and others, both in life and in business. Astrology is a useful tool for both yourself and others. You can learn more about your personality, your strengths, and your weaknesses with astrology.
Maharsi Parashar says that every planet and star has its own kind of light. The person’s mind is affected by what this energy does. This energy interacts with the mind of the person in a certain way.
Important Astrology predictions that came true:
- Prof. B. V. Raman predicted second world war, the fate of Hilter, Vietnam war, and Indira Gandhi’s assasination, and hundreds of other successful predictions.
- Evangeline Adams predicted the burning of Windsor Hotel, Wall street crash of 1929, and her own death.
- William Lilly predicted the great fire of London.
- John Dee predicted that crowning of Queen Elizabeth I while she was under house arrest by Queen Mary and scheduled for execution.
- Emperor Humayun predicted that his son Akbar would go on to be the greatest Mogul Emperor of India.
Do billionaires study astrology?
Yes, Most of rich people believe in it. JP Morgan was a great believer in astrology.
How do I start learning about astrology?
Learn astrology from a teacher rather than a book. Astrology is meant to be learned from a teacher and many essential aspects of astrology aren’t taught in books. Find a reputable astrology teacher with a lot of experience in both teaching and giving readings.
The best way to learn astrology is to study your own birth chart , and the birth charts of the people in your life. Many charts, especially those of the people closest to you, may not make a lot of sense to you at first, and that’s okay. They will make more sense in time. Just keep reading charts, learning, and observing.
Do not read books on astrology without guidance of an experienced guru. Reading more books can confuse you, as there are many junk astrology books in the market.
What do I need to know about astrology?
Astrology is a system of divination based on the positions of the celestial bodies relative to each other. It uses a collection of stars, a personal chart (which can be purchased or made by you), and an interpretative sketch. The astrological interpretations are based on the chart and the position of the planets among other factors.
8 important things you need to know about astrology
- Stars are more powerful than planets.
- Planets represent stars. They acquire the characteristics of the stars. They are refered to as star lords.
- Zodiacs have characteristics that are passed on to the planet that owns them. There are 12 zodiacs. They are divided equally. The planet that owns the Zodiac is called Sign Lord.
- Plants aspect each other at an angle, which are categorised as beneficial and malefic angles.
- There are 12 houses which are divided unequally. Each house represents certain events in your life.
- The exact position of the house is ruled by a sub division called as Sub Lord.
- A house is ruled by a combination of three planets: zodiac sign lord, star lord and a sublord.
- Sub lords are the final decision maker in all events.
How long does it take to learning about astrology?
If you’re a beginner, it’s important to learn the basics of astrology. Learn the basics of astrology and practice it on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes each day.
I have been studying astrology for almost 3 years now and I’ve found that it can be a bit challenging to get into. But with some patience and dedication, you can become a master of the astrology world!
In roughly three months, you can have a strong foundation on astrology and start predicting. In about six to nine months of consistent predictive astrology practice, you can become an expert astrology. I will help you achieve it. Join my free beginner’s course.
Where can I learn about astrology?
A lot of astrology books claiming to be best-selling book and online resources can be intimidating.
I have created a course for beginners to learn astrology for free.
How can I learn astrology?
A large part of learning about astrology is the process of identifying the planets in the zodiac and their qualities. Knowing how to read one’s own horoscope is a necessary skill, but there are also many other ways to learn astrology. Here are a few steps to get you started:
- Star with your personal horoscope.
- Understand the zodiacs.
- Learn about the houses.
- Start with the lagna.
- Note down the Lagna Sublord.
- Find in which star the Lagna Sublord is posited.
- Write down the lord of the star.
- Figure out where the starlord is posited and which houses they own.
- If the starlord signifies 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11 then you have a strong ascendent. You will always be successful no matter how hard sometimes life appears to be.
- If the starlord signifies 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 then you have a weak ascendent. You will suffer your bad karmic effects no matter how nice life sometimes seems to be.
- Similarly, repeat the steps for each house from 2 to 12.
- Follow simplified astrology predictions given in the beginners’s course to learn more.
What is the study of astrology called?
The study of the universe outside of Earth’s atmosphere is known as astronomy. Astrology tries to understand how those positions, motions and properties affect people.
Why is astrology sometimes wrong?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say, you know that astrology is wrong. But, what does that even mean? What makes it wrong? And why is it wrong? I’d love to look at astrology in a more positive way. We do need to acknowledge the validity of the system, and it’s perfectly legitimate that astrology continues to exist. But, there are some things about astrology that need to be questioned, and that includes its claims of “evidence.”
There is truth in astrology. But, Astrologers can be wrong when their predictions are not based on sound logic and principles of astrology. Astrology follow various systems of predictive astrology. The only system that I found to be most accurate is the KP Astrology system, which is what you will learn in my courses.
When you learn the simplified astrology system from me, you will have a high degree of accuracy in your astrology predictions.
What is the religion of astrology?
Astrology does not belong to any particular religion. It does not worship God in any form. It merely guides one to study the effects of planets as they transit in the sky around the earth. Hindu, Islam, Sikh, Christian, Jews, and Chinese mostly believe in astrology of their own form. It is a system that explain why events are taking place and offers a map to predict the events of the future.
What does astrology have to do with the stars?
Millions of stars in the sky aroud the earth are categorised into 27 star constellations. They are:
- Aswini
- Bharani
- Kritika
- Rohini
- Mrigasira
- Arudra
- Punarvasu
- Pushya
- Ashlesha
- Magha
- Poorvaphalguni
- Utharaphalguni
- Hastha
- Chitra
- Swati
- Visaka
- Anusha
- Jayeshta
- Moola
- Poorvashada
- Utharashada
- Sravana
- Danishta
- Sathabisha
- Poorvabadrapadha
- Uthrabadrapadha
- Revati

The stars are considered the most powerful. Planets are acquire the characteristics of the stars in which they are deposited.
Where Should I Start With Astrology?
You start with Astrology by signing up for my FREE beginner’s course. A good book for beginners is published by Prof. KSK Hariharan on KP astrology. You can buy it from him in Chennai or over the internet. He has also published set of book for people that give you additional insight into your life. For boundless insight, you will need the guidance of a Guru.
Learning about Astrology Step by Step
I have written a detailed article on how to you can be learning about astrology step by step. Click the link and read it. I have specifically covered how you can start learning about KP Astrology step by step.
What is Real Astrology?
There is no ‘real’ astrology in the world. KP Astrology comes close to giving the most true astrology predictions.
Predictive astrology
Predictive astrology is a form of astrology that utilizes your birth chart or horary chart based on a number from 1 to 249 to tell you what it will be like for you in the future. It’s logical, and can be useful for predicting specific events and actions. It’s also typically used as a tool for fortune telling, so if you’re looking to try this out, I’d suggest reading through some of the resources available in the free beginner’s course.
Western Astrology
Western Astrology follows sun signs.
The first step in learning about Astrology is determining your Sun sign! This is where the Sun was located in the zodiac at the time of your birth. Each astrological sign has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, personality traits, and compatible zodiac signs! Click on your sign below or get your FREE Cosmic Profile to learn about your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.
Indian astrology

The Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, considered by some Hindus to be the supreme source of knowledge in Hinduism. Vedic astrology is believed to have developed from astronomical and other scientific principles as early as 1500 BCE or earlier. Indian astrology was one of the earliest such traditions and it has been practiced since ancient times. It is popular among all religions and cultures throughout the world, especially in India, where it is known as Surya-Vedic astrology or Chitra- Veda-Yoga-Astrology.
The ancient Indian Vedic scriptures, called the Samhita and Yajurveda, have long been known for their astrological insights. One of the most popular topics in Vedic astrology is the signs of the zodiac. In this article, we will look at five important Indian horoscopes and see how they have influenced the lives of people throughout history.
After studying Jyotish, the ancient science of astrology, I have come to understand that what we see on the planet is only a small part of what is actually happening. Every planet and star has a very specific influence on our lives for good or ill. That means we can make some major changes in our lives by simply being aware of these influences and acting upon them. Just like the stars, we can become a part of the planetary cycle by making certain decisions.
I am here to teach you to learn astrology in a simple and easy manner. I particularly deal with South Indian Charts.
Traditional astrology
Sage Parsasara is believed to be most prominent person to write an indepth treatise on traditional astrology in India. It is believed to be the most authentic astrological treatise amongst the Vedic astrologers in India. Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti married the traditional astrology system with that of western astrology system and developed the KP Astrology system which today is believed to be the most accurate stellar predictive astrology systems in the world. He has helped predict basic personality, combinations of personality, life decisions, business relationshps, and answers questions about relationships accurately.
Aspects in astrology
Planets transit through the stars in the sky in a 360 degree circle around the earth. As they transit, they come at different angles between each other. These are called aspects.
These aspects are the conjunction (0°), sextile (60°), square (90°), trine (120°), and opposition (180°).
Conjuction, square and opposition are considered malefic aspects where the planet is in check to do good or bad by the planet aspecting it.
Sextile and Trine aspects are considered beneficial as the planet aspecting another saccelerates it’s results.
Is astrology a good career?
Astrology is an excellent career choice for me. I love astrology career and moved into it after I crossed 50 years of age. I earn by doing what I love doing, solving problems for people. Astrology is a great problem solving tool.
Learning About Astrology Books
Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti has written six books on KP Astrology called the KP Reader. Three of these books are with his elder son. Three volumes are with his second son. Good luck to you for getting them from them. They each have published several books and republished several sections of KP Reader Volumes 1 to 6 in various books of their own.
Sage Parasa has written a lovely treatise on Vedic astrology in Sanskrit. The book has been ably translated into English by Prof. Santhanam. You can buy the two volumne book from Amazon. Giri Traders in Chennai has also published another English translation. You can buy it from online.
Learning About Astrology Houses
A birth chart is divided into twelve sections referred to as houses.
Indian astrology is earth-centric. Zodiac is a circular belt and all planets seem to be moving on this belt. If this zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, each part is known as a zodiac sign. These twelve zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Similarly, when this zodiac is divided into twenty-seven equal parts, each part is called a Nakshatra. We will discuss about Nakshatras at length later in this series.
The Astrology Chart also divides into 12 houses and has a house number coinciding with it.
1st House or Ascendent or Lagna
The ascendant or Lagna is the astrological sign (and degree of that sign) that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of an event. It represents the following:
Physical stature, Colour, Form and Shape, Constitution, Health Vitality Vigour, Habit of thinking, Natural disposition, Tendencies, Personality, Struggle for Life, Success or failure, of attempts, Honour, Dignity, Life in a foreign country, Gambling with others’ money, Gains and Profits to younger brother, Patrimony of the mother.
Prosperity, General well being, Head and upper parts of the face, Virtues, Longevity and age, Suffering, Higher studies, Name, Fame, Reputation, A Long Journey, Children’s contact with a stranger, Children in Hostels, Danger to the maternal uncle, Demise of Partner, Father’s speculations, Neighbour and his short journey.
The person questioning the Astrologer.
2nd House
Second House represents:
Money matters, fortune, Profit, Gain or Loss. One’s poser and resources, Worldly attainments, Possession of extrinsic value, Jewelry and precious stones and Metals, Documents, Bonds, Securities, Stocks and Shares, Promissory Notes, Mortgages, Banks Balance, Negotiable Assets, Ability to express his/her thoughts, Second marriage, Vision on the power of observations, Right eye, Memory, Miserliness, Liberality, Oratorical ability, Gold and Silver, Corns, Cereals, Close dependent, Ruby, Minerals, Purchase of House lord, Vehicle by the elder brother.
Imagination, Nails, Tongue, Nose, Teeth, Cheeks and Chin, Protection of family members, Extravagant, Economical, Loans, Money lent or borrowed, Death of native’s close relatives, Nation’s wealth, Revenue, Banking activities, Money of the querist, truth or falsehood, Garments, Copper, Diamond, Pearl, Gem trade, Soft in speech, Effort to acquire wealth, Loss to younger brother and his changes, Mother’s gain,
Professional success to children, Rank, Position, Long journey to the maternal uncle, Danger to Partner, Share of Profits to the Partner, Father’s common diseases.
3rd House
Third house represents:
Mental inclination and ability, Memory, Intelligence, Inclination to study, Courage, Valour, Heroism, Younger brother, Sister and cousins, Neighbours, Short travel, Vehicles, Correspondence, Letters, Papers, Writings, Accounting, Mathematics, Communications, Post Office, Letter Box, Telephones, Telegraphs, Teleprints, Arms, Nervous systems, Neighbouring countries, Treaties, Female Servant, Fruits.
Television, Telecommunication, Radio news, Signals, Airmail, Mobile/Cell phones, Internet, Messengers, Mediators, Publicity Officer, Reporter, Editor, Information Officer, Journalist, Change of Residence, Restlessness, Library, BookStore, Bargain, Signature, Signing of contracts of Agreements, Rumours, Carrying tales, Hands, Throat, Shoulder blade, Collar bones, Confused mind, Eating good food, Partition of properties, Edible roots.
4th House
Fourth House represents:
Mother, One’s house or residence, Domestic environment, Grave, Private affairs, secrets and Secret life, Vehicles, fields, Pastures, Farms, Orchards, Mines, Real Estates, Gardens, Public Buildings, Ancient dwellings, Monuments and antiques, Agriculture, Learning.
Boats, Small wells, Water, Milk, Trusts, False allegations, Tent, Pavillion, Pond, Mansion, Art, Entrance of a house, Place where stolen property is kept, Vedic and Secret texts, Herbs, Hereditary properties and treasures, Schools and Colleges.
5th House
Progeny, Inclination, Pleasure, Society with taster and fancies, Artistic talents, Gains to Partner and his luck, Recreation, Entertainment, Amusements, Sports and Games, Romance and similar interests, Cinema, Drama, Opera, Dance & Music, Banquet, Merriments and Amusements, Playing Cards, Crossword puzzles, Dice, Horse racing.
Liaison with a courtesan, Chanting of mantras and spiritual practice, Lottery, Gambling or betting, Stock Exchange, Love affairs, Courtships, promiscuity, Rape and kidnap, Envoys, Ambassadors, Morale, Mechanical art, Discretion, discrimination between Good and Bad, Chanting of Vedic hymns, Religious mind, Good learning, Wisdom, Enormous riches, Festive occasion, Full satisfaction.
6th house
House of sickness, Disease, Nourishing food, Dietary habits, Employment, Service of exhaustion, Employees, Subordinates or Servants, Debt or borrowings, Pet animals, Small cattle, Tenants, Enmity, Dress and Hygiene, Sanitation, Herbs, Food and Clothing, Success in competition, Obstacle in undertakings, Maternal Uncle, Insanity, Miserliness, Anxieties.
Frequent eye troubles, Untimely meals, Theft, Calamity, Prisons, Industries, Sanitation and Public Health, Purchase or sale of vehicles by younger brother or sister, Mother’s short journey, Bank position and profession of the first child, Loss to Partner, Investment or Purchases made by Partner, Secret enemies of Partner, Father’s occupation or business, Danger to elder brother.
7th house
Legal wife, Legal Bondage, Mix-up freely in society, Break of Journey, Danger to life, Description of the thief, Foreign affairs and war, Public Meetings, Servants’ money, Adopted child, Death and difficulties
Business Partner, Contact with Public, Fines, Contracts, Influence in a foreign country, Honour and reputations in a foreign country, Recovery of lost property, Internal Relations, International Trade, Open warfare, Mother’s property and vehicle, Danger by secret, Open Enemy, Father’s friends and partnership with them.
8th house
Longevity, Span of life, House of death, Inheritance, Legacies, Wills and Insurance, Gratuity, Natural death, Drowning, Fire accident, Suicide, Mystery, Misfortune, Misery, Sorrow, Worries and privations, Delay and dejection, Defeat and disappointment, Loss and obstruction, Blame and ill repute, Accident, Danger from Animal, National Export & import, travel, Territory of another country, Interest Rates, Estate Duty, Insured money of the deceased, Sufferings caused by enemies, Lottery, Gains to mother.
Wrong actions, Theft and Robbery, Seize of a Fort and fighting, Dowry, Unearned wealth, Share of profit, Surgeons, Medical Officers, Health Inspectors, Slaughter Houses, Butchers, Public Morality, Death rate, Flood and Fire, Famines, Epidemics, Diseases, Earthquakes, National Calamity or grief, Financial relations with foreign countries, Surrender or loss, Public Loan and Debts, Deficit Budget, Public, Sales, Difficulties in journeys, Corruption, Prize Bond or speculations.
9th house
Faith and Wisdom, Divine worship, Philosophy and Religion, Devoted and Religious, Orthodox, Meditation, Intuition and fore-thought, Research and Invention, Father & Guruji, Teaching of Dharma, Communications with Spirits, Publishing books of intrinsic value, Devotion to God, Universities.
National Trade Import and Export, Radio, Vedic sacrifice, Penance, Mythology, Coronation Hall, Wells, Lakes, Short journeys, Speculative gains and Pleasure of Children, Younger brother’s wife.
Temples, Churches, Mosques, Places of worship, Spiritual welfare, Pilgrimage, Circular Reservoir, Sacrifice and Charity, Discovery and exploration, Legal arbitration, Dreams and Visions, Long journeys by Air, Land and Sea, Internal affairs, Legal Departments, Emigration and immigration Department, Communication, Cables and wireless, Clarity of mind, Good conduct, Horses, Elephants and buffaloes, Circulation of money, Water Sheds, Monetary vows, Pilgrimage, Servants’ vehicle and Prosperity, Mother’s illness, Elder brothers and friends.
10th house
Profession and Status. Honour and dignity, Public name and fame, Power and Prestige, Credit and Conduct, Rank and Success, Respect and Reputation, Ambition and Authority, Worldly activities, responsibilities, Permanency, Promotion, Progress, Appointments, Business and occupation, Karmasthana and last rites to parents, Religious functions, Employer & Master, Judge and Government, Pilgrimage to Holy places Owners and Trainers of Horses, Head of State, Father’s property, Permanent possessions or Vehicle of Partner, Sickness to children, Enemies of Mother.
Government Honours, Seal of authority, Horse riding, Athletics, Service and Sacrifice, Agriculture, Doctor, Talisman, Morality, Medicines, Prosperity, Adopted child, Teaching mantras, Rain, Retirement, Power of learning, Articles stolen by thieves, Judges, Stewards, President in Race clubs, National Leaders, National Trade, Maraka of Parents, Pleasurable pursuit of servants, Debts, Litigations, Danger to younger brothers, Elder brother loss and obstacles.
11th house
Friends, Society and Community, Favourites, Flatterers, Admirers, Advisors, Associates, Supporters, Well-wishers, Close acquaintances, Hopes and wishes, Aspirations and ambitious, Fulfilments of desires, Success in all attempts, Foreign collaboration, Election, Litigation, Speculations, Writings, Wealth and Profit, Incoming wealth, Principal & Interest, Pleasure and Prosperity, Profits and Progress, Peace of mind, Ornaments, Decoration, Sovereign, Money, Son-in-law or Daughter-in-law, Parliament, Legislative Assembly, Corporation, Municipal Bodies, District Boards and Panchayats, Government Policies and Plannings, International relations, Gains through correspondence, Pleasurable pursuits of Partner, Recovery from illness, Opposition to children, Danger to younger brother, Long journey, Freedom from misery and relief from pain, Discharge from Hospital.
Partnership, Permanent tie of friendship, Unconventional activities, Elder brother, Trust, Cure from diseases, Left ear and hands, Right foot, Influence, Paternal uncle, Devotion to God, Luck, Easy gains, Brother-in-law, Mother’s longevity, Knee cap, Happy news, Dawn of fortune, Ministership, Badhakasthana for Chara Lagna borns, Knowledge, Income, Houses, Elephants, Vehicles, Chariots, Furniture, Exchange amenities, Co-operative Stores and Societies, Stewards and Committee under them in Horse racing, Number of the Winner in Horse racing, Government Loans, Electric Companies, Gas, Museum, Agriculture, Estates, Irrigation, Silk, Father’s short journey, Birth of children, Speculation, Victory over enemies.
12th house
Loss and Impediments, Restraint and Limitation, Wastes and extravagance, Expenses, Drudgery and Deception, Purchases and Investments, Donations and Charity, Philanthropic, Institution, Separation from family, Far off places, Sorrow and sin, Sedition and segregation, Obstacles and Impediments, Misery and Misfortune, Poverty and Persecution, Intrigue and Imprisonment, Secret toil of mind, Fear and Inferiority complex, Success in Occult affairs, Danger from animals, Success in a foreign land, Aid from charitable Institutions, Banished persons, Malefactors, Lost goods never recovered, Disobedient people, Hidden side of life, Sound sleep, Mental pain and agitation, Feet and left eye, Fear from enemies, Amputation, Bodily injury and harm, Wretchedness, Imprisonment, Anger, Termination of job, Comfort of bed, Unexpected demands, Spies, Secret and Occult Societies, Vehicles, Sickness to wife, Mother’s long journey.
Solitude and Secrecy, Silent suffering, Self-undoing, Greatest self-sacrifice, Jealous and social barriers, Unexpected troubles, Secret Plots and Schemes, Conspiracy and cunningness, Envy and Malice, Fraud and Treachery, Suicide, Murder, Exile, Extradition, Mystery, Psychic research, investigation, Detective work, Confinement in Hospital, Nefarious Activities, Scandals, Disgrace, Secret pain, Invention of the chemical process, Laborious, Work, Pressure of money, Uncommon expenses, Gift, Charity, Donation, Jails and Asylums, Invalid and Prisoner-Sanatorium, Nursing Home, Mental Hospitals, Life in a foreign country, Trials and Tribulations, Arson, Loot, Rape, Sorrow and self undoing poisoning, Boot-legging, Smuggling and Black-mailing, Restrictions to Horse owner, Restrictions and fines on Jockeys, Fraud and Deceptive action, Treason and Assassination, Charitable Institutions, Crime in general, Underground activities, Permanent possession, Danger to children, Younger brother’s job and prosperity.
Learning About Astrology Signs
Learning Zodiac Astrology and their characterists
The 12 signs are also characterised by properties such as:
- Positive, or negative.
- Fiery, Earthy, Airy & Watery.
- Movable, Fixed or Common
- Fruitful or Barren.
- Voice, Mute etc.
- Two legged or four legged.
- Bodies – Single or dual
- Short or long Ascension. .
- Masculine or Feminine.
- Parts of the body ruled by a Zodiac sign.
Zodiac SIGN | Positive or Negative | Fiery Earth etc | Movable Fixed or common | Fruitful or barren | Mute Violence etc | Four legged | Double bodied | Short or long Ascn. | Masculine or Feminine | Part of the body |
Aries | Positive | Fiery | Movable | Barren | Violent | Bestial | – | Short | Masculine | Head |
Taurus | Negative | Earthy | Fixed | semi Fruitful | – | Bestial | – | Short | Feminine | Throat & Neck |
Gemini | Positive | Airy | Common | Barren | musical Human | Human | Dual | Short | Masculine | Lungs |
Cancer | Negative | Watery | Movable | Fruitful | Mute | – | – | Long | Feminine | Chest & Stomach |
Leo | Positive | Fiery | Fixed | Barren | – | Bestial | – | Long | Masculine | Heart & Spinal chord |
Virgo | Negative | Earthy | Common | Barren | Human | Human | – | Long | Feminine | Bowels & Abdomen |
Libra | Positive | Airy | Movable | semi Fruitful | musical Human | Human | – | Long | Masculine | Kidneys Loins Spines |
Scorpio | Negative | Watery | Fixed | Fruitful | Mute | – | – | Long | Feminine | Sex organs |
Sagittarius | Positive | Fiery | Common | semi Fruitful | – | Bestial | Dual | Long | Masculine | Hips & thighs |
Capricorn | Negative | Earthy | Movable | semi Fruitful | – | Bestial | Short | Feminine | Knees & Patella | |
Aquarius | Positive | Airy | Fixed | Barren | musical Human | Human | – | Short | Masculine | Ankle |
Pisces | Negative | Watery | Common | Fruitful | Mute | – | Dual | Short | Feminine | Feet |
Time of Birth
If you’re planning on making a birth chart for someone, make sure to find out their time of birth. This will impact the position of the houses on their chart and allow you to provide a more accurate reading. Even a minute or two variation in birth time can vary the results.
I strongly suggest that you learn to predict using horary charts rather than birth charts.
What is a birth chart in astrology?
At the time of birth, place of birth and date of birth, planets and zodiacs will be posited at certain trignometric angles. Birth Chart depicts the exact position of the planets and signs. Calculating the correct position of the planets and rasis require an ephemeris or ayanamsa. I follow the KP ayanamsa, which I have found to be most accurate.
How is your birth chart determined?
Fortunately, today your birth chart can be made using a computer software or an online system. You do not struggle like in the past to prepare birth charts.
How important is birth time in astrology?
In my opinion, birth time is not important. It is useful to have birth time. Horary charts based on a number from 1-249 for each question is the most accurate method of prediction.
How accurate does your birth time need to be for astrology?
Your birth time needs to be absolutely accurate. Even one or two minutes variation will alter your prediction. Case in point: Twins.
How does birth time affect horoscope?
Your entire life’s predictions depend on the accuracy of your time of birth. It is nearly impossible in a birthing room for the doctors and the midwives and nurses to note down the accurate time of birth. Hence, I advise you to work with horary charts.
Can you do a birth chart without time?
No. It is not possible to do a birth chart without time.
What do you do if you don’t know your time of birth?
If you don’t know your time of birth, that is perfectly fine. You can use horary charts where the birth of your question in your mind is used as the birth time for that particular time and prediction is provided.
Does your birth time affect your moon sign?
Low probability. Moon transits in a sign for over two days. So, if you know your date and approximate time, you can still find your moon sign in all probabilities unless Moon was in transition from one sign to another.
How do I figure out my natal chart?
You will need:
- Birth time
- Place of birth
- Date of birth
You can use any free online software to prepare your natal chart. Remember that your birth time has to be accurate to get precise results.
9 planets and their characteristics in astrology
All planets revolve around SUN, and including our planet EARTH which is not included in the list, as we are to examine the other planetary influences on the earth. The MOON is a satellite of Earth. They are placed in the space as noted below:-
Rahu and Ketu are magnetic paths that govern the North and South pole of the Sun.
Our earth is in a comfortable distance from the SUN, and therefore life exists on earth and these constitute the Solar family..
The stars are several million miles away from the Solar family and they are also moving at a terrific speed but because they are several crores of miles away from us their motion is not felt by us.
Light passes in space at a speed of 1,86,000 miles per second. At this rate of speed, light rays from SUN takes about 9 minutes 30 second to reach the earth. Imagine how much the light will travel in an hour, in a day, in a month and in a year. And the light rays from the Star group KARTIKA, takes about 32 years to reach our earth. And these planets act as communication satellites between the Earth and the stars. In turn, these planets assume the characters of these stars and each planet from SUN to KETU, have claim over these stars at the rate of 3 stars for each.
In Simplified KP Astrology, we will only consider the following planets:
- Sun
- Mercury
- Venus
- Moon
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Rahu
- Ketu
What are outer planets?
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are the outer planets as soon from the earth. The Earth is at about 90 million (9 crore) miles away from Sun. Mars is at about 140 million (14 crore) miles away from Sun. Jupiter is at about 480 million (48 crore) miles away from Sun. Saturn is at about 880 million (88 crore) miles away from Sun.
Do outer planets matter in astrology?
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are large and powerful planets. Jupiter is the largest planet next to Sun. Saturn is the next largest planet to Jupiter in our solar system. Hence, they do matter a lot for astrological calculations. A strong Jupiter will make you a good astrologer. A strong Saturn will make you a good ascetic and a spiritual person.
What do the outer planets represent in astrology?
Mars in the Fourth member of the Solar family and takes about 687 days to circle in his orbit around the Sun. He rules the signs Aries and Scorpio and owns the Stars Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta. It is exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer. It is a dry masculine planet and represents brothers and sisters of the native. He is connected to boldness, courage and war-like nature of a person and exceeds Sun in this respect. He is also a Planet of vitality and vigour.
Jupiter is the fifth member of the Solar family. He takes about 12 years to circle around the Earth. Jupiter is called the Puthra karaka and governs the children. He is a fruitful. masculine Planet. It rules over Sagittarius and Pisces; gets exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn. His Stars are Punarvasu, Visakam, Poorvabhadra. He controls over Liver, Fat, Arteries.
Saturn is the sixth member of the Solar family and takes about 29-1/2 years to circle around the Sun. It is a Barren, wet and cold Planet and an eunuch. Saturn is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. and rules over Capricorn and Aquarius and its Stars are: Pushya, Anuradha Uthrabhadra. It plays a vital role in the longevity of a person. It controls Bones, Hair, Ear, Teeth and Pneumogastric nerve.
What are the inner planets?
Venus, Mercury, Moon, and The Sun are in the inner planets. The Earth is at about 90 million (9 crore) miles away from the Sun. Moon is at about 2,30,000 miles away from Earth orbiting the Earth. Venus is at about 60 million (6 crore) miles away from the Sun. Mercury is at about 30 million (3 crore) miles away the Sun.
What are the characteristics of inner planets?
The Sun occupies the centre of the Solar system. He takes one year to go around the Ecliptic. The Sun controls all the Planets in his family by his magnetic pull. It rules the Stars: Kartikai, Uthram and Uthradam. He is debilitated in Libra. Sun is a dry, masculine, positive and a hot planet. He represents the father of the native. He rules the heart; right eye of the man; left eye of the woman, the mouth, throat and brain are governed by Sun. Sun is connected with one’s boldness, loyalty, truth and commanding personality, vigour and vitality.
Moon is the Satellite of the EARTH and is very close to us than any other Planet. She takes about 27 days and 8 hours to complete her circle around the Earth. Moon is a wet, cold and feminine Planet. She represents the mother of the native. She rules the sign CANCER, exalted the TAURUS and owns the stars, ROHINI, HASTAM and SRAVANAM. Moon is debilitated in SCORPIO. She governs the left eye of the man and the right eye of the woman. She controls the liquid system of the man, as it has got affinity for liquids. Moon is the immediate transmitter of light and power from the Stars and Planets and hence, she plays the vital role in deciding the dasa period of a birth. She rules the mind and controls the thought waves of the native. Moon is the fastest among the Planets.
Mercury is the first member of the Solar family and she is very closer to Sun. She takes up 88 days to make a circle around SUN. Mercury is a dry feminine Planet. She rules Gemini and Virgo and gets exalted in virgo,and debilitated in Pisces. Her stars are: Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi. She represents the uncle of a native. She rules over the nervous system, sense organs, brain & skin.
Venus is the second member of the Solar family. She takes about 225 days to circle the Sun. Venus is Karaka for marriage and indicates life partner. She is feminine & rules over Taurus and Libra, exalted in Pisces and debilitated’ in Virgo. Her stars are Poorvaphalguni and Poorvashada. She rules over genital parts and kidney, ovaries and female organs, throat, chins.
What comes between inner and outer planets?
The Earth is in between inner and outer planets.
How often do planets change signs?
Moon transits into a new sign approximately every two and a half days.
The Sun transits into a new sign approximately every 30 days.
Mercury transits into a new sign approximately every 90 days.
Venus transits into a new sign approximately every 20 days.
Mars transits into a new sign approximately every 50 days.
Jupiter transits into a new sign approximately every year.
Saturn transits into a new sign approximately every two and a half years.
Learning Predictive Astrology
How is astrology used in everyday life?
The following are the benefit of astrology:
- Astrology is useful in planning your day.
- Be your own astrologer.
- Learn about whether the day will be benefic or malefic.
- Be mentally prepared for any eventualities.
- Increase your success rate by planning important events on a benefic day.
- Find auspicious days and timings.
- Harmonize your relationships by approaching people at the right time.
- Avoid confrontations.
- Avoid accidents and calamities.
- Plan for romantic times with your life partner.
- Plan your marriage.
- Join a new job.
- Build a new house.
- Business relationships.
- Take Important life decisions.
- Answers questions about relationships.
- Increase your psychic energy.
- Boost of energy when needed.
- Buy a new asset.
- Auspicious events.
- and almost all events of your life can be easily planned well in advance.
Do you think astrology is relevant to the daily lives of human beings?
I do think so. I have helped 100’s of my students and clients to plan their lives. You too can learn and plan your daily life.
How can I be good at astrology?
I suggest the following steps everyday to be good at astrology.
- Practice daily.
- Keep a diary. Write notes.
- Draw the day chart.
- Predict your day.
- Compare the results with your predictions at the end of the day.
- Do the same for your family.
- Join an online Group and learn together.
- Attend online classes once a week.
- Ask Doubts to your guru and learn.
- Never be afraid of going wrong with predictions.
- Fail, fail often, fail privately, fail at low costs.
- Keep track of all charts and predictions. Refer to them often. Learn from your predictions.
What do the aspects mean in astrology?
An aspect is an angle the planets make to each other in the horoscope and other points of interest.
An aspect in astrology is an angle the planets make to each other in the horoscope, as well as to the ascendant, mid-heaven, descendant, and lower mid-heaven.
What are the major aspects in astrology?
Ptolemy used the Ptolemaic aspects in the 1st Century, AD. Major aspects are:
- conjunction (0°)
- sextile (60°)
- square (90°)
- trine (120°)
- opposition (180°)
How do you find the aspects of a planet?
Any online software will be able to identify them for you. I have provided links to a few free softwares inside the free beginner’s course.
What are weak aspects in astrology?
Any angle between two planets that are not within 3° orb of a major aspect would be considered as weak aspects in astrology.
What do transits mean in astrology?
Astrological transits involve a method of interpreting the ongoing movement of the planets as they transit the horoscope. A transit is a planetary fly-by, making angles to your own birth chart. Astrology enthusiasts have fun checking the planetary transits through millions of astrology websites today over the internet.
What does it mean when the planets align?
Planets represent the stars. They acquire the characteristics of the stars in which they are posited. Each star is owned by a planet. The alignment of planet in benefic aspects between each other will accelerate the results of each other. Their alignment in malefic aspects will not allow each other to do good to you.
Is it bad when planets align?
Benefic aspect alignment between benefic planets will greatly favor you.
Benefic alignment between malefic planets will badly harm you.
How do you know when your stars are aligned?
Sextile (60°) and Trine (120°) aspect alignments are beneficial. Use any free astrology software online to study them.
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