The divine Vethathiri SKY master will:
- magnetize their hands by meditating over them for a few minutes
- purify the aspirant by passing the energy over
- touch the root chakra at the end of the spinal cord
- gently tap the Mooladhara and raise the life force of the aspirant along the spine
- bring the Kundalini to the forehead
- gently touch and intensify the energy at Ajna
- spin the point clockwise gently thrice
- give touch at the Ajna chakra a couple of times
You will be able to feel the gentle pulsation of the Kundalini Shakthi
within a few seconds to a few minutes of awakening.
Avoid trying to activate Ajna chakra using a YouTube video or a blog.
It is unsafe to try it by yourself.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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