Don’t let others fool you. You cannot awaken your Kundalini through hypnosis.
There was a hypnotist who misled people that he could awaken their Kundalini. He would hypnotize them and make them believe that they were in a state of heightened awareness. He would tell them he activated their spiritual powers. In a hypnotic state, people believed him and give him whatever he wanted.
One day, a man came to me looking to learn Simplified Kundalini Yoga. He told me of his experience with the conman. I listened to him. He was desperate to find a way to awaken his Kundalini without resorting to hypnosis.
Meditating and Hypnotizing are as different as apples and oranges. You can’t put one in a trance and expect the other to be juicy.
I told him about Kundalini and how to awaken it safely.
The man was happy to hear that there was a legitimate way to awaken his Kundalini and thanked me for my help. I touched his Mooladhara and awakened his Kundalini to Ajna within a few minutes.

He went on to practice Kundalini Yoga daily and soon became a master in Kundalini Yoga.
Meditating and hypnotizing may look similar, but they’re like night and day – you can’t mix them up!
He now awakens the Kundalini of aspirants serving in one of our meditation centers.
You can awaken your Kundalini through a simple touch of a divine master in our SKY Yoga center.
You cannot awake kundalini
By hypnosis tricks,
For it lies in deep slumber
Beyond the mystic world’s tricks.In your root chakra it lies dormant,
Waiting to be stirred,
Waiting to be awoken
By the touch of a divine master.Let go of the outer world,
Krish Murali Eswar
And find your inner peace,
The key to awaken kundalini
Lies in the depths of your being.

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Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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