- Karma is a powerful force that can bring great reward, joy, and retribution to those who have done wrong.
- For cheaters, the consequences of their actions are often felt in the form of deep pain and betrayal.
- If you have been wronged by someone close to you, these quotes about karma will help you understand why vengeance is not always the answer.
- Rather than seeking revenge, it’s important to remember that karma will take care of situations in its own time.
- Karma is like a rubber band; eventually, it will return to you.
- Oftentimes, friends who are faithful and loyal can provide the sweetest revenge against those who have wronged us.
- Those who cheat or betray us often live a life of mistrust and ignorance, and they will ultimately suffer the consequences of their actions.
- For believers in karma, understanding the power of karma and the way it works in our lives is essential.
- Karma is not an external force but a natural cause-and-effect law.
- What you put out comes back to you. Give goodness and kindness, and you will receive the same in return.
- Karma can bring pain in the form of betrayal or deceit, but it also brings joy when we make good choices and do good things for others.
- Remember that even the slightest pain you inflict on another person will eventually come back to haunt you.
- Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.
- Karma is tricky; it can take years to pay off, and the person who wronged you may never know the full extent of their punishment. But be patient and trust that karmic justice will eventually prevail.
- The law of karma means that every action has a reaction, and every good deed will have a positive result. If you do something terrible, it’s only a matter of time before it catches up with you.
- If you believe in karma, you understand the importance of treating people how you want to be treated.
- The pain of betrayal is the deepest of all pains. But it also brings out the most profound understanding of karma.
- Karma is not just about the troubles but also about clearing away the troubles and living a life of peace and harmony.
- Cheating goes around, coming around.
- Cheaters never prosper, for karma will find them.
- Cheating is a sign of weakness, not strength. Rely on your merit, and you will be rewarded.
- It’s not worth cheating; the consequences will always outweigh the rewards.
- Cheaters never prosper, so make sure your actions are always honest and trustworthy.
- You reap what you sow. Cheating is a choice, and it will come back to haunt you.
- No matter how careful you are, the truth will always find a way of revealing itself.
- Cheating is a short-term gain for a long-term loss.
- Honesty is the best policy; a lie will always catch up to you.
- Cheating is a sin that you will pay for in the end.
- If you cheat, you are only cheating yourself in the end.
- Cheating is a sign of cowardice, as it takes away your ability to face the consequences of your actions.
- Cheating shows disrespect and a lack of appreciation for your commitment.
- Cheating on your spouse is like digging your grave: you may get away with it for a while, but you will pay the price in the end.
- Cheating is a choice, not a mistake; it’s a conscious decision to act without integrity.
- Karma is impartial and will always find a way to balance the scales of justice.
- Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.
- A dishonest businessman will never prosper in the long run.
- Karma will always come back to collect its due.
- Karma is like a wheel; it will always come back around.
- Karma is a boomerang; what you give comes back to you.
- Karma has no deadline and will return to you in its own time.
- Karma is not a physical force but a spiritual law of cause and effect.
- Those who sow injustice will reap unhappiness.
- Karma is not just about troubles but also about relieving the troubles of others.
- You can’t control the actions of others, but you can control your reaction to them, and that’s where good karma comes into play.
- Bad karma results from bad intentions, bad decisions, and harmful behaviors.
- Good karma is the best revenge against vindictive people.
- The best revenge is not to be like your enemy. Spend your time wisely, don’t waste it on revenge.
- Karma is a cruel mistress; whatever you do, it will come back to you in one way or another.
- A true friend never seeks revenge and does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth.
- Karma is the law of cause and effect. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
- Karma is a potent force, the idea of cause and effect. What you sow is what you reap.
- Your actions will determine your future. If you do wrong, harmful consequences will follow.
- You will get what you give in the field of karma sooner or later.
- Don’t waste your time on revenge; instead, spend your time improving yourself.
- Bad consequences follow every action – that is the idea of karma. Life is not just about getting what you want but also about understanding the meaning of karma and learning to accept the form of pain it brings.
- The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings you need to open your heart and expand your awareness.
- Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. What you give, you will receive. What goes around, comes around. That’s life for karma.
- The meaning of karma is that you reap what you sow; you get back what you give out.
- Pain is a form of karma. It is the price we pay for our past deeds.
- The lives we touch, and the ones that touch our lives, make us who we are.
- What we do today will determine our future life.
- The law of karma is that you will get what you deserve based on what you have done in your previous lives.
- A true believer is content with the divine knowledge that karma will take care of all.
- The cessation of karma is the same as the attainment of liberation.
- Karma is the law of cause and effect, and cessation of karma is the highest state of liberation.
- Cessation of karma is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice.
- When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. The fruit of karma is a beautiful flower.
- No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. The fruit of karma is a sweet reward.
- Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can’t get away with whining forever.
- Karma doesn’t need your help to find anyone. It will come for them on its own.
- Betrayal karma will come back in full force when you least expect it.
- Betrayal karma is a real thing. If you betray someone, it will come back to you in some form or another.
- All the deceit and lies you think you’ve gotten away with in the past will eventually catch up to you in the form of cheating karma.
- Everything you do has a deep karma that affects the world around you.
- The deepest level of karma is the one that comes from within.
- The law of karma means that for every action, there will ultimately be a reaction of equal magnitude.
- Karma is the law of cause and effect. Your thoughts, words, and actions create future experiences that come back to you.
- Karma is action influenced by intention. Everything you do matters. Every intention matters.
- Karma is like a rubber band. It can only stretch so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.
- If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present, and don’t do anything to your enemies; sit back and watch karma do its job.
- Be aware of your worth, use your time wisely, love and respect yourself, avoid people who don’t value your presence, and never give up on your dreams, no matter how bad the situation may seem. Karma will take care of the rest.
- Karma is a tricky thing. It sometimes takes a while for it to catch up to bad people. But when it does, it’s often worse than what they initially did.
- Emotional pain is a pesky part of being human, but the good part is you can decide how to respond to it and choose to be stronger than it.
- Holding onto a feeling of revenge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
- It’s better to be single with high standards than to be in a cheating relationship, settling for less.
- Never stay in a cheating, bad relationship because you’re too scared to get out.
- The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace. Cheaters don’t understand teamwork.
- Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. Don’t cheat.
- A cheated woman’s best revenge is to show a man that he’s not worth the effort.
- Revenge is a confession of pain.
- Revenge is a dish best-served cold.
- An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
- The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.
- The emotional pain of being cheated is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
- No matter how difficult the situation is, you can always choose your attitude. Don’t cheat yourself.
- The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open. It closes up when you cheat.
- Your frame of mind is the most critical element in creating your reality. If you harbor cheating, you will attract cheaters.
- Your friends and followers will be cheaters if you nurture cheating in your mind.
- A positive frame of mind creates more miracles than any wonder drug. Cheating is like a poisonous drug.
- The more conscious we become, the more we realize how much of our life is governed by karma.
- Karmic consciousness is knowing that our actions now will determine our future.
- Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. If you cheat, you cannot find peace within. Your guilt will kill your peace.
- Honesty is the best policy, even when it comes to deceitful actions.
- We are all answerable for our actions and the karma we create, action for action.
- One careless act can have far-reaching and dangerous consequences.
- The path of least resistance is often the most dangerous one with dire consequences.
- Be careful what you do today, as it can have dangerous consequences in the future.
- The banquet of consequences never ends; it just keeps growing.
- Every action has a banquet of consequences.
- How you treat people today determines the relationships you will have tomorrow.
- No matter how hard you try to deny it, your past relationships shape your future ones.
- Fear is nothing more than a state of mind infected by guilt in cheaters.
- You can’t decide to cheat based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.
- Your future destinies are not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. Stay on a proper path and avoid the road of cheating.
- Beware of the dangerous path of cheating, pride, and arrogance. It leads to destruction.
- Even the slightest misstep can be fatal when walking a dangerous path of cheating.
- What we do in life echoes in eternity.
- The future is something that everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
- Extramarital affairs are often a symptom of a deeper problem within the relationship. Cheating behind your partner’s back isn’t going to solve it.
- A cheating affair can damage a marriage, but it can also be an opportunity to re-evaluate and re-affirm the relationship.
- Competition is good for self-improvement, but it should never be a source of fear driving you to be conniving.
- The only competition you should ever worry about is the competition between the person you were yesterday and the person you want to be tomorrow.
- The pain of betrayal can be so intense that it can take a long time for someone to heal. It’s not worth it.
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Further Reading
Motivational Quotes
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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