What is Astral Projection?
I know of two types of astral projection: voluntary and involuntary. I know of four voluntary techniques of astral projection. I will tell you more about it.
Astral Body
There are three layers of the human body: Physical, Astral, and Causal. The astral body is made up of energy that surrounds the physical body. The astral body looks like an invisible transparent cocoon around our physical bodies. The Causal body is the biomagnetic body. You cannot separate the astral and causal bodies.
Astral Projection
Astral projection is the ability to project yourself outside your body while remaining conscious. It’s also known as astral travel, spirit travel, soul travel, and many other names.
Astral projection is something everyone has heard about. Whether you’ve had a near-death experience, seen someone else do it, or just read about it online, you’ve probably heard of it. But most people never really learn how to do it.
Two Types of Astral Projection
When 51% of the energy particles in the astral body project outside the physical body, you will experience astral projection. Involuntary astral projection is a near-death experience.
People have reported a near-death experience during:
- a medical operation
- an accident
- a suicide attempt
- near a dead body
- under severe trauma.
Voluntary astral projection is achieved through meditation techniques which are similar to self-hypnosis techniques but, in fact, much deeper in experience.
Benefits of Astral Projection
The soul experiences an out-of-body experience when 51% of the ether energy particles are projected outside. During the astral realm, you will experience the following:
- identify yourself with your soul
- get separated from your body yet remain connected through the ‘Silver Cord’
- function in the astral realm
- start to explore the astral planes
- enter the psychic medium
- go into a deep relaxation state
- have lucid experiences
- you develop skills to be an energy healer
- get rid of negative energies
- repel negative energy forms
- strengthen the protective energy shield
- realize the functioning of the etheric realm
- gain a total sense of control over your bodily sensations
- get mastery over your physical senses
- observe your body as a third person
- detach yourself from your body and discover new spiritual realms
- develop a psychic sense of the world
- get a clear sense of direction of your life goals
- enter a deep meditation state
Isn’t it a beautiful experience?
Now, I will walk you through everything you need to know about voluntary astral projection techniques.
4 Techniques of Astral Projection in Kundalini Yoga
There are four (4) known techniques of voluntary astral projection in our SKY techniques as taught by our guru Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi. They are:
- Thuriyatheetha Meditation
- Mirror Gazing Meditation
- Lamp Gazing Meditation
- Astro Travel Meditation
Let me walk you through each of them. I will not, however, teach any of these techniques now.
Remember, I am saying this from my personal knowledge of astral projection techniques. I have been practicing these occult practices since 1987 and have rich personal experiences. I must add that these esoteric practices are healing practices as well.
Let us dive into the non-physical realms of the astral project.
1. Thuriyatheetha Meditation
Thuriyatheetham meditation involves projecting your life force to about 12 inches above the Sahasrara chakra. You will meditate for a minute at Dwadasangam. Then, you will raise it further to the Moon and the Sun and meditate. Then, you will expand your mind throughout the universal energy field and meditate. At this level, you will distinctly feel separated from your body. You will identify yourself with the Universe. Finally, you will expand, go beyond the universe, and meditate over the Almighty static state. It is the primordial state. You will feel one with the universal consciousness state of God. At this stage, you will lose awareness of your body completely.
Note: Learn this meditation from a SKY center. Then, you can safely practice on your own.
2. Mirror Gazing Meditation
Mirror Gazing Meditation involves projecting your life force at your mirror image, concentrating on your Ajna chakra. As you practice this regularly, you will identify with your magnetic body. Mirror gazing meditation helps to intensify your biomagnetism. SKY masters practice it before giving kundalini meditation to aspirants.
Caution: Do not practice mirror gazing meditation on your own. Learn it from a SKY meditation center and then practice at home as taught.
3. Lamp Gazing Meditation
Lamp gazing meditation involves focusing on the light in a lit lamp and meditating on your Ajna chakra. It intensifies your biomagnetism. You will identify with your astral body and gain the ability to project your soul outside your body at will. It is especially useful for SKY masters to give initiation to meditation students.
4. Astro Travel Meditation
Caution: Astro Travel is considered anti-religious and illegal in certain countries and banned. Swamiji stopped teaching this beautiful meditation technique.
Swamiji taught me Astro travel meditation in 1987 during my SKY masters course. During those days, Swamiji used to teach it early in the morning, around 5 a.m.
In this meditation, you:
learn to leave your body aside and voluntarily project your soul outside
you turn around and look at your body lying around
you travel with the soul to known, safe destinations
you expand up to the universe if necessary
you visit places and people who need your help
you come back safely and connect back with your body
It requires a day of preparation and must be practiced before you get out of bed early in the morning before sunrise.
You must ensure that you are not tired.
After this meditation, you will need a day of relaxed work to recuperate.
Astral projection is projecting oneself out of one’s physical body while remaining conscious.
You may experience involuntary out-of-body experience.
You can practice four proven techniques of astral projection by learning three of the four taught in our SKY system.
Have you experienced astral projection?
I would love to listen to you. Do write to me.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
Nice article sir. Can you please share your experiences also during astral travel or meditation.
Vazagha Valamudan
Sure. I have noted it in my task list. When my time permits, I shall certainly do it.