Kunda + Ali + Ini = Kundalini
The life-energy (ini), which is common for both men and women (ali), that functions within the fire vessel is the Kundalini.
Etymology of Kundalini
The word “kuṇḍali”, meaning “serpentine channel”, is used in Hindu texts such as the Bhagavata Purana, where it refers to the energy channels within the human body. In the context of yoga, the term describes the subtle energy current along the spine, known as prāṇa, which flows up and down the spinal cord. This flow is believed to be responsible for maintaining health and well being.
In modern usage, the term “kundalini” refers to the coiled serpent power located at the base of the spine, which is awakened during meditation and/or yogic practices. There are many theories about how this awakening occurs; one theory suggests that it is caused by sexual arousal. Another theory states that it is activated by certain breathing techniques. Kundalini Yoga is based on the belief that the activation of kundalini causes enlightenment.
Simplified Kundalini Yoga
Our Guru, Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi , has simplified the process of awakening the Kundalini Shakti into a simple method called Simpler Kundalini Yoga. The goal of Simpler Kundalini is to awaken the Kundalini Shakta through the touch of a divine master. It does not require mantra recitation, pranayama or yogic practices..
The practice of Simplified Kundalini Yoga can be done with a teacher. It is recommended that you do not attempt this without an experienced teacher who knows how to guide you personally.
Kundalini Chakras
Chakras are energy points within the body. There are seven chakras associated with Kundalini yoga. Each is a point around an endocrine gland. They are:
- Mooladhara (adrenal and sexual gland)
- Swatishtana (sexual gland)
- Manipuraha (Pancreas)
- Anahata (Thymus)
- Visukthi (Thyroid)
- Ajna (Pituitary)
- Sahasrara (Pineal)
There are two more chakras outside the body.
What causes a Kundalini awakening?
Kundalini yoga guru Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi explained that all healthy human beings are capable of raising their kundalini energy with the touch of a SKY Yoga master. They deserve to feel their kundalini shakthi.
Many people have attempted to raise Kundalini in the past through various techniques such as mantra, tantra, and yantra. Spontaneous or accidental kundalini awakening have also been reported by many aspirants. Swamiji cautions against doing so without guidance. He says that many people experience a spontaneous awakening during meditation, while others do not. Those who do, however, often report feeling like they’re being pulled toward another level of consciousness.
For those who want to cultivate a sense of awareness around their kundalini, Swamiji recommends starting with a short visit to the SKY yoga center to get regular touch and intensify the energy. Once you feel your life-force, you can do it yourself throughout the day, and it can help you focus on the subtle energies within your body.
Be Blessed by the Divine!
Krish Murali Eswar.
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