In 1987 on December 24, I came to Aliyar Temple of Consciousness for the first time to attend the teacher’s course in Kundalini yoga by our Guru Shri Vethathiri Maharishi.
After attending that Master’s Course, I realised I could awaken the Kundalini for the students and aspirants. Since then, I have considered my most significant duty to awaken the Kundalini of aspirants. As a result, I derive the greatest happiness of all my responsibilities in my life.
You, too, can become a Kundalini master. Come to Aliyar Temple of Consciousness.
Be Blessed by the Divine
Krish Murali Eswar.
I wish to study in Aliyar, can you study in Malayalam, which is the mother tounge for deep understanding.
Certainly. Check vethathiri.edu.in